July Willow Creek Activities
July 12 & 24: [2 P.M.] Bowling at Athen's Bowling Lanes (we expanded to 2 days a month!) followed by social time at a local eatery (TBD) Please join even if you don't bowl!
June Newsletter
June 7 & 19: [2 P.M.] Bowling at Athen's Bowling Lanes (we expanded to 2 days a month!) followed by social time at a local eatery (TBD) Please join even if you don't bowl!
Saturday, June 16: [11:30 A.M.-3 P.M.] SVCA Garden Party fundraiser held at 952 Stratford Avenue. Plan to attend this event and support the arts in Sweetwater City Schools and the surrounding area. Tickets are $50 and includes live music, a talk by world famous horticulturalist Troy Marden, a catered luncheon and time to stroll the gardens. Tickets may be purchased from Olivia Shutter, Christine Martens or Glenn Edwards.
May Newsletter
April 2018 Newsletter
Saturday, April 14: [5 P.M.] Bingo Night! Come join us for pizza, salad and dessert followed by bingo at the club house.
Tuesday, April 17: [2 P.M.] Bowling at Athen's Bowling Lanes followed by social time.
Thursday, April 19: [3 P.M.] Willow Creek book club will meet. We are reading The Stolen Marriage by Diane Chamberlain- Come and participate in our discussion. Interested in the book? Click HERE for a summary or to pick up a copy.
March 2018 Newsletter
Saturday, March 17: [5 P.M.] Pot luck carry in. This event will be a celebration of St. Patrick's Day, the spring equinox and first quarter birthdays. Corn beef and cabbage, Shepherd's pie and Colcannon will be provided. Bring a side dish to compliment the main course. Following the dinner, we will have bingo and 50/50 drawing. Remember to WEAR GREEN!
November 2016 Newsletter
October Newsletter
August Newsletter
Pool is now open!
Upcoming Events in March
Annual HOA Meeting
Super Bowl Party
Key Captains Needed
Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!
Key Captains Needed
The new year is quickly approaching and volunteers are needed for 2016 to open and close the community center. If you would like to volunteer please contact Jane Corbett with the months you CANNOT volunteer.
Jane Corbett ( jatc819@gmail.com )
Copyright © 2015, Willow Creek
Click here for Willow Creek Policies and Resolutions
Office Number: Office Hours:
(423) 337-0582 The office is no longer staffed.
Our mailing address is:
202 Willow Creek Blvd
Sweetwater, TN 37874
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Halloween Party
News from Willow Creek
Halloween Gathering this Friday night, Oct. 30th.
Will start after dusk.
Bring chairs and beverage of choice. Also bring a snack if you wish to share with others!
For more info, email Glenn Edwards.
October 2015
Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!
Community Highlights
Find out about Pickleball!!!! USAPA.com
Pat Lafaurie will be coming around for signatures on a petition to change one Willow Creek tennis court into 3 Pickleball Courts.
It's all the rage and senior friendly!
WillowCreek's new website
Coming Soon!
www.WillowCreekTN.com is under construction. Expect a new and improved website later this fall! There will be a Home Owners Association component to the new website where all Willow Creek HOA members can login to view a private page with access to documents, updates, and more.
Reminder about Pets
Just a reminder to all home owners who lease out their home to make sure their renters are staying within the WC rules and regulations. We suggest you check with your insurance agent to see what exclusions are for Liability for vicious pets, as there have been some vicious dog sightings.
Upcoming Events
Adult Halloween Gathering
Friday, Oct. 30th
Outside near Franklin Park - Fire pits and Fun!
Wear a costume and bring your own beverage.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 21st
3:00 pm at Willow Creek Community Center
Carry-in dinner. Meat (turkey/ham/chicken) provided by social committee.
WC Social Club RAFFLE
What: 4 day stay at Widham resort
Where: Nashville,Tennessee
When: Memorial day weekend 2016. May 26, 27, 28, 29.
Why: This is a fund raiser for the willow creek social committee. Proceeds from ticket sales will stay in the community and fund future willow creek social events.
The resort is located in Nashville Tennessee near the Gaylord Opryland resort complex. The accommodation has two bedrooms, a kitchen area and a living room area. It can accommodate up to 8 individuals. This is a great opportunity to win a get-a-way for the family or friends.
Tickets will go on sale soon and will cost $10.00 each. There will be a maximum of 100 tickets for sale and sales are restricted to willow creek residents. If the tickets are sold out by Thanksgiving, we will draw the winning ticket at the community Thanksgiving lunch on November 21st.. If all the tickets are not sold by Thanksgiving, the drawing will be at our Christmas gathering during the week of December 13th.. This drawing will be held regardless of whether all tickets are sold.
Tickets may be purchased from Christine Martens and sales begin with the publication of this notice.
For ticket purchase or any further information regarding this raffle please contact Christine at 1-419-266-3014.
Copyright © 2015, Willow Creek
Click here for Willow Creek Policies and Resolutions
Office Number: Office Hours:
(423) 337-0582 The office is no longer staffed.
Our mailing address is:
202 Willow Creek Blvd
Sweetwater, TN 37874
Connect with us Email Facebook
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Fall Reminders
Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!
DON'T FORGET these Community Events
It's time to clean out your treasures for someone else!
WHEN: Saturday, October 10, 2015
TIME: 8:00am - 2:00pm
NEED: Garage Sale permit (obtain at City Hall); balloon on mailbox; set up tables in alley behind your home; donations accepted for cost of Ad.
CONTACT: Christine Martens (cell: 419-266-3014)
WHEN: Saturday, October 10, 2015
TIME: 6:00 pm - ???
WHERE: Community Center
- $5 / person unless you enter the contest then you eat free
- Bring your drink of choice
- Winners will be determined by popular vote. Prizes will be awarded to the top three vote getters.
- If you enter the cook-off, please bring chili to the Club House by 5:30pm to set up.
- If you enter the cook-off, please notify either Christine or Glenn by October 3, 2015.
- Desserts are also welcome
CONTACT: Christine Martens (cell: 419-266-3014) or Glenn Edwards (hm: 423-836-9444)
Copyright © 2014, Willow Creek
Click here for Willow Creek Policies and Resolutions
Office Number: Office Hours:
(423) 337-0582 Office is no longer staffed.
Our mailing address is:
202 Willow Creek Blvd
Sweetwater, TN 37874
Connect with us Email Facebook
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September 2015
Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!
Community Updates and News
Well behaved little dog has been found and must belong to some one. Owner can call Terri Brown at 423-337-6689 who is holding her for a few days.
Louise Barnes has Season Tickets for sale for MACA (Monroe Area Council for the Arts). They have great shows lined up from October through April. Tickets for a couple are only $100 which averages about $7.50 per performance per person.
Also, SVCA (Sweetwater Valley Citizens for the Arts) will be hosting our annual Christmas Home Tour in early December, and is restarting the Christmas Community Chorus which will perform on Dec 3. Anyone interested in singing can come to First Baptist on Thursday nights at 6:30. No auditions necessary and easy music. SO MUCH FUN!!!
Much like other communities the size of Willow Creek, the Administration office is not being physically staffed. However, don’t worry. You can still reach us by leaving a message on the phone at 423-337-0582 or even better, by email at andrea@worthingtongroup.com. If neither of these work for you, you can mail us at 202 Willow Creek Blvd, Sweetwater, TN 37874. A drop box has been installed inside the community center to the left of the administration door. All messages, mail and dropped communication/payments are picked up weekly and handled in the same manner as before.
You can also still rent the community center. Please just email or call us. We will handle the payment of the room rental by charging your account and sending the bill with your quarterly statement. We have installed a new keyless lock. Once you reserve the community center we will give you a onetime code for the door to use that day.
Not quite sure what Pickleball is? Check out the game by clicking this link: WHAT IS PICKLEBALL? Anyone interested in getting Pickleball at Willow Creek, contact Pat Jackson.
We are sad to pass on the news that Doreen Spencer's mother in Florida passed away. Also, Reba Gene Wolfe (John Earl Wolfe) who lived on Franklin Avenue, passed away last Friday just weeks after moving from Willow Creek. We remember both of these individuals.
Community Events
It's time to clean out your treasures for someone else!
WHEN: Saturday, October 10, 2015
TIME: 8:00am - 2:00pm
NEED: Garage Sale permit (obtain at City Hall); balloon on mailbox; set up tables in alley behind your home; donations accepted for cost of Ad.
CONTACT: Christine Martens (cell: 419-266-3014)
WHEN: Saturday, October 10, 2015
TIME: 6:00 pm - ???
WHERE: Community Center
- $5 / person unless you enter the contest then you eat free
- Bring your drink of choice
- Winners will be determined by popular vote. Prizes will be awarded to the top three vote getters.
- If you enter the cook-off, please bring chili to the Club House by 5:30pm to set up.
- If you enter the cook-off, please notify either Christine or Glenn by October 3, 2015.
- Desserts are also welcome
CONTACT: Christine Martens (cell: 419-266-3014) or Glenn Edwards (hm: 423-836-9444)
Copyright © 2014, Willow Creek
Click here for Willow Creek Policies and Resolutions
Office Number: Office Hours:
(423) 337-0582 Office is no longer staffed.
Our mailing address is:
202 Willow Creek Blvd
Sweetwater, TN 37874
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August 2015
Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!
Lots of Willow Creek updates:
Are you interested in:
Mah Jong: We are looking for people to play Mah Jongg. We play every Wednesday and Sunday afternoons at 1:00pm and are looking for new players. Don't worry if you don't know how to play, we will teach you. The people who play now never played before moving to Willow Creek.If you are interested in this game, please email Jane or Paula. (jatc819@gmail.com or pcola54@charter.net)
Labor Day Block Party: Some residents are checking to see if there is an interest in having a BLOCK PARTY so all Willow Creek residents can get to know your neighbors. Looking at Labor Day weekend gathering in the outdoor amphitheater, corn hole tournament, music, and food. If you think you may want to come, please email Danny Chandler to let him know. (chandlerdanny8@gmail.com)
Pickleball: Anyone interested in having a Pickleball court at Willow Creek? There has been some chatter about it and possibly a petition. For more info, email Pat Jackson.
Exterior Home Repairs: Anyone interested in repairing the exterior trim/soffit of their homes? The manufacturer of the product is no longer in business, so warranty work is not available. However, their appears to be some savings if residents join together to have the repairs done. Please contact Cesar Lafaurie if you are interested (slafaurie@aol.com or 954-873-5185)
Reminders on Rules and Restrictions
Please click the link to review an Abbreviated list of Willow Creek Restrictions. Also posted is a list of the Most Often Violated Covenants for Willow Creek Community Association, Inc.
Important reminders about the Pool:
- Due to state regulations the pool gates must remain closed. Do not prop open the gates or cause the lock to stay open as this is a violation of state regulations. If cited by the inspector, could lead to fines and ultimately pool closure.
- The pool must be rented and reserved for pool parties. No parties allowed unless the proper procedure is followed. Please contact the office for more information.
Remember that complaints must be received in writing and signed! Unsigned complaints will not be addressed.
Lawn Mainteance – The tree in front of your house (between the sidewalk and road) is yours. Please maintain this tree as you would any plant in your yard.
Copyright © 2015, Willow Creek
Click here for Willow Creek Policies and Resolutions
Office Number: Office Hours:
(423) 337-0582 Wednesdays 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Our mailing address is:
202 Willow Creek Blvd
Sweetwater, TN 37874
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